OnwardOnward is the story of two teenage elves, Ian and Barley Lightfoot, voiced by Tom Holland and Chris Pratt respectively. They live in a...
The Lion King (2019)The Lion King was the first movie I ever saw in a theater. When I tell you that moment changed my life, I'm not overstating things. This...
YesterdayYesterday poses a rather simple question: What would happen if The Beatles never existed? It's a fascinating concept in theory, so I was...
Toy Story 4Ahhh... Toy Story. The franchise that launched a thousand proverbial Pixar ships and changed the landscape of Disney forever. I was only...
Dark PhoenixDark Phoenix, the last X-Men film of the pre-Disney saga, tells the story of super-mutant Jean Grey. From my limited understanding of the...
RocketmanRocketman is the highly anticipated biopic about the early life of music giant Elton John. Admittedly, I'm only a casual fan of...
Aladdin (2019)Disney's latest live action remake was undoubtedly a tall order. The attempt to take a beloved story with one of the most iconic Disney...
Avengers: EndgameI solemnly promise the first half of this review is 100% spoiler-free. I would never want this film spoiled for me, so I will NOT do it...
ViceHappy 2019! I'm back with my first review of the new year. I debated writing this one because I'm so late to the game seeing it, but I...
Welcome to MarwenBased on a true story, Welcome to Marwen follows Mark Hogancamp after suffering through a brutal assault by five men outside a bar in...